"Welcome to Valles Capital:

Empowering All Americans to Achieve Financial Success and Optimize Tax Efficiency"

At Valles Capital, we are devoted to supporting Americans from all walks of life on their journey towards financial success. Our unique approach combines direct payroll deposits into our proprietary Valles Capital Inc non diversified Money Market fund, which features an impressive 5:1 market value return. Alongside this, our brokerage debit card unlocks a range of benefits, eliminating the need for traditional trading platforms.

About Valles Capital
An investing service that makes wise choices.


I am Angel Michel Valles. The gentleman in the image to the right is none other than the distinguished American Revolutionary War Hero at the age of 64 and French Colonial, Francois Valle.

While my current profession is that of a dedicated Journeymen Electrician (i recently joined the IBEW Local 640), my journey has extended beyond that. Since the early 1980s, I've immersed myself in the intricacies of both Federal and State laws pertaining to Corporations and Securities.

These extensive studies have converged towards an ambitious goal – to provide US citizens with an unprecedented opportunity. My vision is a brokerage-free 5:1 Investment debit card, a financial tool designed to empower individuals like never before.

Today, I extend an invitation to be part of a remarkable initiative. We are seeking new accounts using self directed brokerage accounts with VISA/MASTERCARD access to create the Valles Capital debit card. By supporting this endeavor, you'll play an essential role in bringing this innovative concept to life. Together, we can reshape the financial landscape and provide a means to invest and grow your financial assets. Check our website often for updates, news and links. Or sign up to be emailed when we are open for buisness using the form at the end of this webpage.

Best regards, Angel Valles


François Vallé (1716–1783) son of Charles Vallée and Geneviève Marcou, was a French Canadian who immigrated to Upper Louisiana of Beauport, Quebec City sometime in the early 1740s. Beginning as a laborer of no means, he engaged in agriculture, lead mining, and trade with Indians and became the richest man in Upper Louisiana.[1] Vallé also aided greatly in the battle of St. Louis, during the American Revolutionary War[2], because he gave the defenders of both forts a major tactical advantage by supplying them with genuine lead (instead of pebbles or stones) from his mines for musket balls and cannon balls. He was successively officer of the local French militia then Spanish lieutenant of the militia of Upper Louisiana.

Executive Summary:
Unraveling the Economic Destabilization of America

America’s Financial Manifest Destiny

Valles Capital Inc., an open-end, non-diversified management investment company, is urging the Biden Administration to issue a 10-month Treasury Note with a face value of up to $200 million. This request is a pivotal move towards reinforcing the Administration's commitment to the Sherman Act by addressing price fixing and curbing market power that undermines the Fund’s objectives. This initiative, which we are calling "America’s Financial Manifest Destiny," is a crucial step in stabilizing the economy and protecting the financial interests of American citizens.

The proposal is not a tax loophole, but a strategic action designed to ensure that every American can benefit from existing tax rules before any reform on unrealized gains is enacted. The American people are counting on the Administration to take swift action to approve this initiative, which promises to safeguard their financial futures and uphold fair market practices. Immediate approval is essential to prevent further economic destabilization and to secure a more equitable financial landscape for all.

To limit prices from rising as personal income increases, Vice President Kamala Harris's economic initiative is invited to consider integrating our business model with a combination of economic modeling and algorithmic control mechanisms, especially as companies begin to use our product as a hedge against cost. This approach, if required, would allow for real-time adjustments to pricing strategies, ensuring that inflationary pressures are mitigated even as personal incomes grow. By incorporating these sophisticated tools, the Administration can maintain economic stability and prevent disproportionate price increases, thereby protecting consumers and supporting sustainable economic growth.

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A suitable and permanent public memorial to the men who made possible the western territorial expansion of the United States, particularly President Jefferson, his aides Livingston and Monroe, the great explorers, Lewis and Clark, and the hardy hunters, trappers, frontiersmen and pioneers who contributed to the territorial expansion and development of these United States, and thereby to bring before the public of this and future generations the history of our development and induce familiarity with the patriotic accomplishments of these great builders of our country. ~ Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Association 1933

they heard a voice which said: "Do not take the silver from this hill, because it is destined for other masters." - Legend of Potosi 1462

More about us
With a firm commitment to helping our clients’ finances grow, we make sound investment choices that produce excellent result.

This image portrays the Valles Marineris on Mars, captured by NASA's Mariner 9 spacecraft.

As I engage my imagination, the etchings of an airplane form within the landscape. The wings, fuselage, and tail wing manifest, the aircraft slightly angled as if altering its trajectory just before encountering Mars' surface. The spectacle includes the presence of escape pods—implying an endeavor to evade the impending collision.

Contemplating this scene, I wonder about the thoughts that occupied the Captain's mind before steering such a colossal spacecraft into Mars...

In the realms of my imagination, I locate myself on board—not at the forefront where dignitaries may inhabit, but at the farthest reaches, within the tail section.

Here, a sequence of events unfolds: a cluster of individuals, driven by an intention, sabotages the hydraulic system—a domain under my jurisdiction. Simultaneously, the Captain persistently issues directives for augmented pressure. Concealed from his knowledge, the saboteurs seize control of my section, mandating the maintenance of reduced pressure. Ultimately, this dynamic compels the Captain to inspect the situation in person.

Following a scrutiny that absolves me from culpability, the Captain returns to the bridge. Over time, the crew notices the dwindling frequency of the Captain's communications and witnesses adjustments to the spacecraft's course. At this juncture, the Captain's voice reverberates in my ear, instructing me to "look out the window." I comply, recalling how he humorously positioned me there due to an alleged failure in executing commands.

Initially met with the expanse of space in see what I now realize a life pod leave the ship, my vision gradually descends, revealing the distinctive reddish surface of Mars. As this reality dawns upon the rest of the crew, anxiety overtakes their expressions. Their pleas—directed firstly to the Captain, and subsequently to me, beseeching course corrections—prove futile. Amidst an unexpected hush, we brace ourselves for the impending impact, escape pods initiated mere moments prior to the collision. The crew's clamor for salvation punctuates the air. Amid this turmoil, I remain seated, a quiet smile adorning my lips. It becomes evident to me that the upheaval traces back to their coup attempt against the bridge—a revolt motivated by their perceived substandard living conditions in the tail section. A sense of contentment washes over me; their impending fate appears as a consequence of their choices. Our distinctive experiences aboard the spacecraft—bridging the gap between privilege and hardship—reveal a stark truth.

Meanwhile, on the bridge, an intense sequence unfolds: the Captain orders all the onboard water to be redirected to the right side of the ship. The second-in-command strongly objects, warning that such an action could destabilize the ship and cause us to lose control.

Undeterred, the Captain asserts, "We're headed back to Earth, and those criminals from the tail section are with us. I won't let Earth be tainted by malevolant minds. We've spent so much time in space with these unappreciative people who've contributed nothing to our successful return except their enjoyment of the ride back."

Curious, the second-in-command asks, "What do you propose?"

After a few moments of silence, a crew member reports that nearly all the water has been shifted to the right side of the ship. Any further alteration might risk damaging storage containers, leading to flooding in living areas.

The second-in-command exclaims, "Stop this madness; we're all going to die!"

The Captain responds, "Have you lost faith in the resurrection. Have we been in space so long that your faith has faded? Has our time in space made us forget?"

With resolve, he emphasizes, "We need to find a way to survive without the influence of those animals in the tail section. I won't allow Earth to be mared by their presence. We've given up so much, spent so much time in space for this moment."

The second-in-command exclaims, "Are you crazy? Resurrection? You have to die for that to happen."

The Captain insists, "We're all going to die anyway. But we have to live with those malignant minds until then. Do you want that? Who's really acting crazy here?"

After a reflective pause, the Captain introduces a new thought: "Hold on, wipe that horrified look off your face. The first life pod left with enough time to reach Earth. Humanity will survive." Agreement ripples through the crew, paving the way for the continued redirection of water to the ship's right side.

Inevitably, the ship collides with Mars—a powerful impact that disintegrates the vessel. However, the redirection of water has a clever outcome. It transforms the ship into a sort of dart that sways back and forth. This altered trajectory slows down the collision with the right side being the last to impact the planet, resulting in the creation of a small ocean. In some Mars photos, you can see impacts from life pod impacts, you can even see rivers extending outward from the impact site. Some may speculate this event might be linked to the a water splash that initiated the deluge in Noah's time.

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